
Career & Jobs

Every PICHLER project is the result of close collaboration between everyone involved.
It is extremely important to us that employees continuously improve their skills and expertise. We are always happy to support them in their personal and professional development within our company.
We are a dynamic and open-minded business, a big family that thrives on loyalty and responsibility, and we intend to stay this way.


Together we imagine the future

We reward our employees’ commitment and dedication and are keen to help them develop their talent and reach their full potential.
As such, we invest in broadening their skill set in order to make them future leaders
and we give many of our talented young employees managerial tasks from the outset.
This company philosophy guarantees our long-term success.



Motivation and team spirit

Each department has very specific tasks and targets however these form part of a cohesive bigger picture.
The commitment and dedication of every single employee are required in order to guarantee a project’s success.
This team spirit can be felt throughout the entire company at PICHLER: our employees are highly motivated, exchange information and ideas with each other and devise solutions together in order to bring projects to a successful conclusion.
We have flat hierarchical structures and an open culture and therefore foster a sense of togetherness rather than encouraging employees to compete with each other.
This helps to ensure that we can all give our very best!




Human Resources

Stefanie Kofler

Job offers